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Ralph Waldo Trine

The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit

  • Rojan Shawaysцитирует7 лет назад
    To strike the right balance in life is one of the supreme essentials of all successful living.
  • saulerakhmanova19цитирует7 лет назад
    Here again it is the wise balance that determines all.
  • Michael Dennisцитирует8 лет назад
    For as Goethe has said—"We can never get beyond the spirit of Jesus.
  • Michael Dennisцитирует8 лет назад
    And gathering it into a few brief sentences it is this: Jesus' great revelation was this consciousness of God in the individual life, and to this he witnessed in a supreme and masterly way, because this he supremely realised and lived. Faith in him and following him does not mean acquiring some particular notion of God or some particular belief about him himself. It is the living in one's own life of this same consciousness of God as one's source and Father, and a living in these same filial relations with him of love and guidance and care that Jesus entered into and continuously lived.
  • Michael Dennisцитирует8 лет назад
    The chapter that is now opening upon the world is the one that puts Christ's own teachings in the simple, frank, and direct manner in which he gave them, to the front. It makes life, character, conduct, human concern and human service of greater importance than mere matters of opinion. It makes eager and unremitting work for the establishing of the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of right relations between men, here on this earth, the essential thing. It insists that the telling test as to whether a man is a Christian is how much of the Christ spirit is in evidence in his life—and in every phase of his life. Gripped by this idea which for a long time the forward-looking and therefore the big men in them have been striving for, our churches in the main are moving forward with a new, a dauntless, and a powerful appeal.
  • Michael Dennisцитирует8 лет назад
    theological precept or conducting some ordained observance in the pulpit; or that religion is only when it is labelled as such and is within the walls of a church. That belonged to the chapter in Christianity that is now rapidly closing, a chapter of good works and results—but so pitiably below its possibilities. So pitiably below because men had been taught and without sufficient thought accepted the teaching that to be a Christian was to hold certain beliefs about the Christ that had been formulated by early groups of men and that had come down through the centuries.
  • Michael Dennisцитирует8 лет назад
    Jesus is the supreme teacher of the Bible and He came not to forbid or to command, but to place the Kingdom of God as a living force, and perpetual inspiration within the soul of man, and then, to leave him in freedom and in grace to fulfil himself.
  • Michael Dennisцитирует8 лет назад
    Clericalism, Tammanyism, Bolshevism, Syndicalism—and all in the guise of interest in the people—get their holds and their profits in this way.
  • Michael Dennisцитирует8 лет назад
    Strength without conscience, goodness, ungoverned by the law of mutuality, becomes tyranny.
  • Michael Dennisцитирует8 лет назад
    Victor Hugo: "There is one thing that is stronger than armies, and that is an idea whose time has come.
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