bookmate game
Nick Trenton

The Art of Letting Go

  • Emily Popeцитируетвчера
    Know Negative Script: I'm always so alone.

    • Identify Mistaken Belief: I'm unlovable.

    • Tag Unmet Basic Need: Belonging.

    • Rewrite into Positive Script: I have people who care about me and support me. I can strengthen my relationships and connect with others to feel more fulfilled and connected.
  • Emily Popeцитируетвчера
    Remember, just because you have thought something for a long time doesn't mean it's true.
  • Emily Popeцитируетвчера
    Are they really true? Are they helpful?
  • Emily Popeцитируетвчера
    "What should I be aware of right now?" "What task should I focus on right now?" "What are the benefits of . . .?” or “What dangers are there in . . .?" The sentence they choose will depend on what they want to achieve from the exercise.

    Once they have written their sentence, they need to set a timer for ten minutes. During this time, they allow themselves to write down everything that comes to mind, without editing or filtering their thoughts. If they get stuck or can’t think of anything to write, they just repeat the sentence that was written at the beginning and continue writing.
  • Emily Popeцитируетвчера
    If one has had negative experiences with change in the past, they can overcome their fear of change by embracing it more often. By exposing themselves to new experiences and challenges, they can build resilience and adaptability.
  • Emily Popeцитируетвчера
    By acknowledging the different stages of change, including denial, resistance, exploration, commitment, and acknowledgement, people can gain a better understanding of the emotions they face and come out on the other side better equipped to handle them.
  • Emily Popeцитирует6 дней назад
    The notion of the inner critic is a well-known concept in psychology that pertains to the pessimistic voice that often exists within our minds. This voice evaluates, disapproves, and rebukes us for our perceived deficiencies and limitations.

    ● Patrick Gaudreau, a psychology professor at the University of Ottawa, introduced the concept of excellentism. It entails establishing lofty benchmarks for oneself, but not letting those standards become unrealistic or harmful to one's health. Instead of self-criticism when falling short, individuals can opt to embrace novel experiences, utilize innovative approaches to problem-solving, and learn from their errors as they persistently aim for excellence.

    ● Nonattachment is a technique of relinquishing the urge to manage, cling to, or possess things in life. It does not imply becoming disconnected or apathetic, but rather accepting that everything in life is transient and in a constant state of flux. By releasing attachment, indi
  • Emily Popeцитирует6 дней назад
    viduals can encounter greater independence and less distress.

    ● The expression conscious media consumption pertains to the practice of being attentive and purposeful about the media that individuals choose to consume and how they consume it. Stephanie Harrison suggests that this requires individuals to pay attention to both the content of what they consume and their manner of consumption.
  • Emily Popeцитирует6 дней назад
    Self-as-context encourages individuals to see themselves with an open mind, from different perspectives, and to understand that their sense of self is not fixed.
  • Emily Popeцитирует6 дней назад
    The principle of nonattachment is often misunderstood as a practice of detaching oneself from the world. In reality, the core meaning of nonattachment is to detach oneself from the idea that the world defines who we are. People define their own world, and in order to do so, they need to begin with understanding themselves. This can be achieved through practices such as nonattachment meditation or yoga, or even by simply taking time throughout the day to observe where external factors are influencing one’s definition of self. As people consciously release these external labels, their inner barriers will begin to dissipate and their true self will have the opportunity to shine through and flourish. It is through this practice of nonattachment that people can truly discover and embrace their authentic selves.
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