"Most of the time, everyone deserves more than one chance. We all do things we regret now and then. You just have to carry them with you."
This is the book of the year for me. It took on various, intertwined background stories. Most importantly, it hit a little too close to home for me. A lot of people should read this, and I mean, a lot of parents.
Such an incredible book. A remarkable story about motherhood and family. Super intense but heartwarming.
Эта книга про разных людей, судьбы которых сплелись волей-неволей в тесный узел. Нравиться им это или нет.
Отличная история! Прекрасно описаны проблемы отношений родителей и детей, расизм в Америке, безусловная любовь и материнство. Легко и быстро читается 🙌
I'm so glad I washed the tv show before reading this book. It was such a great read
If you like a story about the rich meet the poor, sure you will like it. I just can't bear it
A book that melted my heart.
Good book for a weekend read.
Потрясающая книга. С нетерпением жду экранизации.