bookmate game
Bram Stoker


  • agnesmutia13цитирует8 лет назад
    I think I must have fallen asleep and kept dreaming of the incident, for it seemed to be repeated endlessly, and now looking back, it is like a sort of awful nightmare.
  • Aditiцитирует2 года назад
    seems to me that the fur­ther east you go the more un­punc­tual are the trains.
  • Sarahцитирует9 месяцев назад
    , what a wealth of sor­row in a few words! Poor Mrs. Westenra! poor Lucy!
  • Sarahцитируетв прошлом году
    The ap­proach of sun­set was so very beau­ti­ful, so grand in its masses of splen­didly-col­oured clouds, that there was quite an as­semblage on the walk along the cliff in the old church­yard to en­joy the beauty.
  • Roman Kovalцитирует7 лет назад
    We are in Transylvania; and Transylvania is not Eng­land. Our ways are not your ways, and there shall be to you many strange things. Nay, from what you have told me of your ex­per­i­ences already, you know some­thing of what strange things there may be.
  • Kate Pavlukovskayaцитирует7 лет назад
    "She makes a very beautiful corpse, sir. It's quite a privilege to attend on her. It's not too much to say that she will do credit to our establishment!"
  • Farid Rasulovцитирует8 лет назад
    It seems to me that the further east you go the more unpunctual are the trains. What ought they to be in China?
  • Gracie Elliot Tilleyцитирует9 часов назад
    found that Bis­tritz, the post town named by Count Drac­ula, is a fairly well-known place
  • Gracie Elliot Tilleyцитирует9 часов назад
    I find that the dis­trict he named is in the ex­treme east of the coun­try, just on the bor­ders of three states, Transylvania, Mol­davia and Bukov­ina, in the midst of the Carpath­ian moun­tains; one of the wild­est and least known por­tions of Europe.
  • knzsfjtxkцитирует20 дней назад
    him to se­cure the best place on
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