This is the very substance and premise of which this quest is comprised and entertains. This very statement made in response to Boethius strikes against the very core of the Humanist's mentality to those who of the New Age mind set embrace “brother sun, sister moon.” This work is a masterpiece of a person coming to grips with what indeed is reality, and not what we make of it. Many from the humanist's and forward have placed blinders on their eyes and dismiss the past as mere rhetoric, thus erring as she continues, “How plainly and how widely do you err by thinking that anything can be adorned by ornaments that belong to others!” Unlike other pieces of literature, which simply pacifies whims and desires, with no real benefit beyond memories, this work engages, ministers, prompts and causes you to do more than think but truly ponder numerous issues within your life and the world around, and ultimately your relationship with God.