The Ice Age made Eurasia a harsh, unforgiving place to live for any species, but the usually-fragile human species that arrived there millions of years ago had it especially rough.
Petar Ciricaцитирует5 лет назад
Since the beginning of the genus, humanity has used its advantages to surpass other creatures. But perhaps the greatest of humanity’s achievements lies in its ability to surpass its own natural boundaries.
lenakor2390цитирует5 лет назад
forming bonds and increasing their chances of survival
lenakor2390цитирует5 лет назад
brought about a sense of community
lenakor2390цитирует5 лет назад
Certain evolutions gave sapiens an edge…and a burden
lenakor2390цитирует5 лет назад
from the ground up
lenakor2390цитирует5 лет назад
rise to the top
Artem Patlazhanцитирует6 лет назад
a willingness of the scientific community to admit ignorance
fdiahцитирует6 лет назад
Humans have never been the strongest creatures in the world, nor the fastest—but what we lack in physical ability, we make up for with tools, resources, and a versatility that other species simply can’t match
Sashkins Kononenkoцитирует7 лет назад
the human body was evolved for hunting, climbing, and other similar tasks