Do you have trouble digesting the world around you?
The onset of digestive and gastrointestinal issues often begins in times of grief, abuse, or other major negative life events. When the mind can't digest its reality, the body stops digesting its food—literally.
In Beyond Digestion, Dr. Laura M. Brown, ND, exposes the many ways in which your gut health relates to the overall health of your mind, body, and soul.
Even your mood can be a reflection of, or reaction to, what's going on in your gut.
Now, Beyond Digestion offers a clear path to break the negative cycle of many chronic health issues.
Learn how to:
Get to the root cause of your health problems
Detoxify your gut
Harmonize your sleep and body rhythms
Strengthen your immune system
Balance your hormones
Regulate your emotions
Tune in to your body's inner wisdom
Connect to your primal source of energy transformation