they instinctively locate the heart of a matter. They don't beat around the bush, or waste time with the unimportant. Second, they say much in very few words.
Third, the words they choose and utter are weighty.
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I have found myself meditating for months on just one or two sentences uttered by these seasoned veterans.
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unworthy of one's consideration or respect.
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“He who honors Me honors the Father who sent Me.”
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men” (John 5:41); in His heart and mind it all went to the Father.
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“I do not receive honor from
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stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity]
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as a Man He continually passed all honor that was given Him along to the Father in His heart.
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by the treatment of His Son.
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He never rebuked those who honored Him; but rather praised them for making this connection with the Father.