Lucy Parker

Lucy Parker lives in the gorgeous Central Otago region of New Zealand, where she feels lucky every day to look out at mountains, lakes and vineyards. She has a degree in Art History, loves museums and galleries, and doodles unrecognisable flowers when she has writer's block.Her interest in romantic fiction began with a pre-teen viewing of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (Firth-style), which prompted her to read the book as well, and the rest was history.



Andrea Lamasцитируетв прошлом году
think we both know firsthand that love and family is something you’re born into if you’re lucky, but hopefully you’ll also find it along the way.
Andrea Lamasцитируетв прошлом году
er life so far had been punctuated by periods of soul-shattering loss, but that grief had come amidst decades of warmth and love. She’d known herself the light and center of someone’s existence. No, she’d never experienced hatred.
Andrea Lamasцитируетв прошлом году
I’ll live my entire existence knowing someone loved me that much.
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