Colleen Anderson

Writer of fiction, dark fiction, erotica, poetry, SF, fantasy, you name it, and a partridge in a pair of trees. Past poetry editor for ChiZine and slush reader for CZP. Co-editor with Steve Vernon of Tesseracts 17. Twice nominated for the Aurora Award, as well as shortlisted for the Gaylactic Spectrum Award, the Friends of Merril short fiction contest, the Rannu competition (and placed second in poetry), the SFPA poetry contest. Winner of the Jerry Jazz Musician short story contest. Several honorable mentions in the Year's Best SF, Year's Best Horror and Fantasy, and the Writers of the Future.Embers Amongst the Fallen is a reprint collection available through Smashwords and Amazon. Please leave a review. Chapbook of speculative verse "Ancient Tales, Grand Deaths and Past Lives" available through



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