Sandra Peachey

Sandra Peachey was born in the centre of the United Kingdom and after brief meanderings to the North, has now settled back into her home territory. Having been a childhood writer, scribbling poems and stories before she could walk, she then studied English Literature at University.After a long corporate career in Human Resources, she had a happy mid-life crisis and retrained as a life and business coach. She now works part time as a Human Resources Manager, is a public speaker, runs her own business coaching company and was also a Director of the Women's Personal Development community 'Damsels in Success' for 5 years.She then re-remembered she was a writer and so set herself the challenge of writing a 'love letter to life', every day of February 2012. The resulting blog received such a huge volume of positive feedback from around the world, that her first book, of the same name, was published a year later.She co-authored her second book 'The F-Factor' - a blueprint for entrepreneurial women to live their lives of choice, along with her 'sister' Directors at Damsels in Success.




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