bookmate game

Suzanne Wright

  • books_&_desireцитирует2 месяца назад
    Taryn only smiled. “Is there no way you could just pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow?”
  • books_&_desireцитируетв прошлом году
    She actually rolled her eyes at him. Rolled. Her. Eyes.
  • Christian's butterfly 🦋цитирует2 года назад
    Much like shifters, all demons – no matter the breed – had a dualism to the soul. Whereas shifters shared their soul with an animal, demons shared theirs with a conscienceless dark predator that lacked empathy, was unable to emotionally connect, and had a strong sense of entitlement. An inner demon could surface, enabling it to then talk and take control. The only outward indication of such a thing would be that the person’s eyes would turn totally black
  • Christian's butterfly 🦋цитирует2 года назад
    There were many other rumors about Knox: that he was dangerous, calculated, notoriously sexual, and someone who lived by his own rules on his own schedule. It was also believed that he had the ability to call on and control the flames of hell, which was extremely rare. It was also scary, because nothing was impervious to the flames of hell
  • Christian's butterfly 🦋цитирует2 года назад
    Demons were predominantly psychic creatures. They didn’t have soul mates, but they came in pairs. That meant they each had a predestined psychic mate, or ‘anchor’, who made them stronger and gave them the stability that prevented them from turning rogue.
  • Christian's butterfly 🦋цитирует2 года назад
    By fusing their psyches, a powerful, unbreakable link formed between the demons. It wasn’t sexual or emotional, it existed on a psychic level. Demons were very protective of their anchors,
  • Christian's butterfly 🦋цитирует2 года назад
    inner demons couldn’t ‘care’ for others, but they could form attachments to people. When that happened, those attachments were incredibly intense, because every ounce of a demon’s natural intensity and focus was channeled into them.
  • Christian's butterfly 🦋цитирует2 года назад
    She had a sinful flare to her hips – perfect for a guy to hold onto while he thrust in and out of her
  • Christian's butterfly 🦋цитирует2 года назад
    Harper was known amongst her social circle for being the sphinx without wings. An oddity. An abnormality. Some people made the mistake of believing that made her easy prey. Mona was clearly one of them.
  • Christian's butterfly 🦋цитирует2 года назад
    Harper had personally never been able to master. She could create hellfire, but she couldn’t shape it into anything. She could, however, do something else.

    Generating hellfire in her left hand, Harper then infused it into the knife. Like that, the blade was aflame and totally lethal. Stilling, Mona gaped. For a brief moment, the crowd fell silent. They had all obviously assumed that the reason Harper wasn’t retaliating was that she didn’t have any offensive gifts to boast of – wrong.
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