The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on the sovereignty of reason and the evidence of the senses as the primary sources of knowledge and advanced ideals such as liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state
khokharmultan786цитирует2 месяца назад
Have courage to use your own reason!" - that is the motto of enlightenment
khokharmultan786цитирует2 месяца назад
The touchstone of everything that can be concluded as a law for a people lies in the question whether the people could have imposed such a law on itself
khokharmultan786цитирует2 месяца назад
"Argue as much as you will, and about what you will, only obey!" A republic could not dare s
khokharmultan786цитирует2 месяца назад
stability of the community. Men work themselves gradually out of barbarity if only intentional artifices are not made to hold them in it
khokharmultan786цитирует2 месяца назад
One might let every citizen, and especially the clergyman, in the role of scholar, make his comments freely and publicly, i.e. through writing, on the erroneous aspects of the present institution.
b8219520738цитируетв прошлом году
Since no man has a natural authority over his fellow,
Тъй като никой човек няма естествена власт над ближния си,,