
Alix E. Harrow

  • namjoons lasttiddieцитируетв прошлом году
    “You know it wasn’t originally a spinning wheel in the story?” I offer, because alcohol transforms me into a chatty Wikipedia page. “In the original version—I mean, if oral traditions had original versions, which they don’t—she pricks her finger on a piece of flax. The Grimms used the word spindel, or spindle, but the wheel itself wasn’t commonly used in Europe until the mid-sixteenth … why are your eyes closed?”

    “I’m praying for your amyloidosis to flare up and end my pain.”

    “Okay, fuck you?”

    “Do you have any idea how hard it is to fit a spinning wheel in the trunk of a Corolla? Just prick your finger already! It’s almost midnight.”

    “That’s Cinderella, dumbass.”
  • namjoons lasttiddieцитируетв прошлом году
    “Lady Zinnia.” The princess’s voice is less musical when she’s annoyed. “If I could but beg your attention for a moment. I would very much like to know how you came to be in the tower with me last night.”
  • namjoons lasttiddieцитируетв прошлом году
    I scroll through the ten or fifteen messages I’ve missed from Charm (are you okay tho? are there pharmacies in fairyland??) and type back: I only have 35% battery so I’m turning this off in case of emergencies. xoxo

    ummmm this IS an emergency. why are you not freaking out. why are you not trying to come back.
  • namjoons lasttiddieцитируетв прошлом году
    But in the very oldest versions of this story—before the Grimms, before Perrault—the prince does far worse than kiss her, and the princess never wakes up.

    I make myself keep listening to Zellandine, unflinching. I always hate it when people flinch from me, as if my wounds are weapons.

    “I did not tend the prince’s hearth after that. I hoped—if I were
    quiet and careful enough—I might be safe. That it might be over.” Zellandine’s fingers spread against the softness of her own stomach. “Soon it became clear that it wasn’t.”

    In that oldest story the still-sleeping princess gives birth nine months after the prince visits her in the tower. Her hungry child suckles at her fingertips and removes the splinter of flax, and only then does she wake from her poisoned sleep.
  • namjoons lasttiddieцитируетв прошлом году
    I’m turning away when Prince Harold says, his voice thick and fleshy through his swollen nose, “I don’t understand.” His eyes are on Primrose and Charm, on the place where their hands are joined together so tightly they look like a single creature.

    “Well, Harold,” I say gently. “They’re lesbians.”
  • namjoons lasttiddieцитируетв прошлом году
    “Hey, by the way: I love you.” Her hands are jammed in her jeans pockets now, her eyes are still on the sky. “You don’t have to say anything back—I know about your rules—I just thought you should know before you—”

    I tip my head against her shoulder, right where Superman’s hair curls against his forehead. “I love you, too.” It’s surprisingly easy to say, like the final tug that unties a knot. “It was a stupid rule.”

    “Hot, but stupid, like I’ve always said.” Charm’s voice is rough and gluey, full of tears again. “Will you come home? When you’re ready?”
  • shanцитирует2 года назад
    You thought you would probably die soon.
  • shanцитирует2 года назад
    You were staring up at the rotten thatch of the roof, wondering if anyone would remember your name long enough to mark your grave
  • shanцитирует2 года назад
    your body was no longer something you wore but something you wielded,
  • shanцитирует2 года назад
    If they do not know you, they cannot fear you
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