Sarah Henning

Sarah Henning is a recovering journalist who has worked for the Palm Beach Post, the Kansas City Star, and the Associated Press, among others. When not hunched over her computer, she runs ultramarathons, hangs out with her husband, Justin, and goes on absurdly long walks with her two adorable kids. Sarah lives in Lawrence, Kansas, hometown of Langston Hughes, William S. Burroughs, and a really good basketball team. Sea Witch is her first novel. You can visit her online at




Mafer Orozcoцитирует2 года назад
“I didn’t doubt you. I doubted my expectations.”

Iker raises a brow and his eyes are on my mouth. “And what were your expectations?”

“That you wanted to be here as much as I wanted you to be here.”

At this, he draws me in until his chest touches my bodice and I can feel his legs through the layers of my dress.

“Don’t doubt this.”

He presses his mouth to mine, stealing my breath. He is gentle in that first moment, but then sweeps us down onto the bench.
Mafer Orozcoцитирует2 года назад
“I have always loved you. Every day. My heart is not mine to give because it is already yours.”
-Emilia-цитируетв прошлом году
If people are tired by the sound of your voice, they no longer hear you
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