Bella Jewel

  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    My Marcus will change your world, too. If you let him.

    And you will let him, because that’s just his way.

    I love him in a way that’s toxic. I know it because no matter how much my heart screams at me that something isn’t right, I can’t stay away. Marcus is hard, he’s broody, he’s not soft and he’s not gentle but when he’s inside me, deep inside, I feel him. I feel everything he refuses to let me see. And it’s amazing. It’s also how he got under my skin and stayed there.

    What started as a one-night stand quickly turned into my world. I can’t tell you how it happened, or even why, I just knew I couldn’t get enough of him. It didn’t matter what he did. Before I knew it we were married. A week later I moved in with him. Everyone in my life was happy for me. Except maybe Marcus. He just remained as he was, impassive and deep, so deep I couldn’t get in.

    They say your body tells you when something becomes dangerous — that it hums with awareness. They would be right. I felt it; I felt the shift, and I knew the moment I entered Marcus’s world that he was going to take my soul and likely crush it. I fell for a man who most women wouldn’t fall for, because he reeks heartbreak. He isn’t the hearts-and-flowers kind of guy, he doesn’t hold you, or call you sweet names, or make you feel like you’re the only reason he breathes.
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    In accepting this, I became the girl they all talk about — you know the one. The girl you shake your head at, wondering why she stays, wondering why she’s there. How come she’s so stupid? What could she possibly see in a jerk like that? That’s me. Though at first, I didn’t realize it. I fell in love with the devil. I didn’t know it at the time; even if I did, I can’t promise I would have done things differently. It took time for me to see what Marcus was; to see my love was one-sided.

    But that’s what it was, you see. Love. Deep, binding love I couldn’t let go of.

    He consumed me. He took my heart in his hands and he’s holding it there.

    There’s no way I can turn away from him.

    The Katia I am now, she’ll disappear into a world of hurt and lies. She will no longer be. He’ll take me and he’ll twist my world until it’s no longer beautiful, but ugly. So ugly it’ll bury me deep. There’s a good chance I’ll never come out of it unscathed.

    But I’m getting too far ahead. I have to start you from the beginning.
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    “Very well. Your grandfather has stated that he’d like his business to be handed down to you. You’re the only one left in his direct family line since the passing of your father, and therefore the one he wishes to take on his business.”
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    “Fine. I’m already running it as it is.”

    “There’s something else,” he says, pulling at the tie around his throat as if it’s suddenly too tight. “He’s stated very clearly that there is one term that comes with his request. You won’t become the head of the business, with everything being signed under your name that is, until you’re . . .”

    “I’m what?” I bark.

    “Married, sir.”

    Say what?

    I stare at him, waiting for him to laugh and tell me he’s joking, but his expression remains impassive.

    “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I scoff. “You’ve got it wrong.”

    “It clearly states that until you’re married, the business will remain in the hands of his closest
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    friend, Walter Johnson. You will keep your position, however you won’t take over all the finances and management of the company.”

    Fucking Walter, the scheming prick. He’ll run it into the ground before I get the chance to do anything. He’s already in the head chair, making me work my ass off, and the fucker will make sure he stays there if I don’t do something. He’s rolling in money now, after all. I’m the only one who holds any passion for this business. The only fucking one. It’s my lifeline; I’ve been in it since I was twenty, and I’ve got a solid lifestyle based around it.

    In a scratchy tone, I mutter, “You’re sure it says I’ve got to be married?”

    “I’m sure, sir. You have a period of twelve months to do this, before it’s signed over to Walter.”


    I love women. All women. But I don’t like ’em hanging around. If you’re looking for commitment, you won’t find it here. I’ve done only one woman in my life more than once, and it was simply for convenience. Love isn’t for men like me. I don’t have the time or the interest. Love is for the weak. Women are too difficult and I’m too much of an asshole. I don’t hide this fact and I certainly don’t pretend to be anything else. I’ve seen where relationships go wrong, and I want no part in them.

    “Anything else you want to stab me with?” I grate out.

    His eyes flicker, and he swallows. “There are conditions. You can’t just marry and then divorce. . You have to be married for a period of two years. If in that time you divorce, the company automatically goes to Walter.”

    You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

    That sick son-of-a-bitch.

    He knew — he fuckin’ knew it was one thing that would challenge me. He had a sick mind when he was alive and it would appear that has continued, even after death. He’s testing me, pushing me to the limit like he always did. I walk away, losing everything I’ve worked for in the last ten years, or I
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    Dusty gathers an equal amount of male/female attention. Upon first glance you want to rip his clothes off and lick every inch of his body, he’s that good looking. He’s got black hair, black as the night, and this brings out his dark blue eyes. His skin is a cross between pale and light olive, not quite either. His body is tall, muscled and exceptional.
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    I giggle as his dark blue eyes dance with amusement.
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    He’s already standing out the front, dressed all in black, looking suave and super handsome. He grins, rushing forward to throw his arms around my body. I laugh, letting him lift me and spin me in a big circle.
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    fight and I own what’s been mine all along. The business is my life, and the fuckin’ bastard knows it.

    “Anything else?” I growl through clenched teeth.

    “One more thing, sir. If it’s found out you, ah—” He swallows, “—paid for a wife, that will also be enough to sign the business over to Walter. The woman must be there willingly, and live with you during that time.”

    That piece of shit. He knew me better than I thought. He knew the first thing I would do was go and snap up a stupid woman who I could pay off. My jaw tightens and my chest expands with rage. I can already see the look on Walter’s face if the company is signed over to him. He’s always hated me. He won’t fuckin’ win this.

    Damn the old man. He’s wanted me to settle down for years, always hating my bachelor lifestyle. He often told me that even if I didn’t want it, to run a business and hold a respected name in society, then I had to grin and bear it. He was married from the age of twenty to a raging bitch that died two years ago. Even after that, he went ahead and acted it up for the sake of the papers. It doesn’t surprise me he would go to these kinds of lengths to make sure I’m stuck with a woman.

    “Very well,” I say, standing. “I’ll be sure to get right on it.”

    The lawyer gives me a disgusted look. “And how do you suppose you’ll do that?”

    I smirk at him. “Simple. I’ll find a wife.”
  • Lilyцитирует2 года назад
    “Ah!” she sighs. “Lifestyles of the rich and famous.”

    I snort. “I had to save for five months, and I found them in a second-hand shop! Anyway you’ve got an amazing job. How is it going, by the way?”

    She smiles, tucking a lock of hair behind her ears. “I love it, really I do. I mean, it’s only been a week, sure, but so far it’s going super. The boss though—oh my God, you should see him, Kat. He’s gorgeous.”

    “Oh, do share. I need some mind candy for my spank bank.”

    She gives me a horrified look. “What’s a girl like you, who looks like you, doing with a spank bank?”

    “I don’t have time to get a boyfriend.”

    “But you could get laid . . .” She points out.

    I shake my head from side to side, backing up. Candy enjoys match-making. No, I mean she really enjoys it. She thinks she has a knack for creating these perfect relationships. She doesn’t. The last guy she set me up with farted during dinner. Farted. Then he laughed like he didn’t just fart in an expensive Italian restaurant. It was a truly beautiful moment. No really, there’s nothing wrong with a giant fart in a restaurant.

    “No set-ups!”

    She pouts prettily. “Okay, maybe not, but we could get you a fine piece of ass to take home and shag.”

    Shag. Who uses that word?

    “I’m not shagging anyone,” I protest.

    Though it’s not a bad idea. Jack and Teddy, my vibrators, have well and truly deserved a break. And God, have I missed male company. It’s been two years since I’ve been on a date, and at least twelve months since I’ve been fucked. I’d kill to be fucked, just against a dirty wall, maybe over a car hood, something to take the edge off all these sexual fantasies building inside me.

    I certainly have nothing at work to fantasize about. My boss is obese, smelly and a complete asshole. Why can’t I have a super sexy boss who looks
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