Though I’ve tried, I’ve found no way to fill in the voids left by the Memory Police.
Kateцитируетв прошлом году
he believed that mistakes were often as revealing as the right answers. This gave us confidence even when our best efforts came to nothing.
sanцитирует25 дней назад
We called him the Professor.
sanцитирует24 дня назад
Still, you refuse to give up
sanцитирует24 дня назад
staggering on step by step, determined to continue the search ... until you see it at last, the oasis of another prime number, a place of rest and cool, clear water...."
sanцитирует22 дня назад
Life isn't going to be easier, nor is anyone going to make a fortune, just because they know something about prime numbers
em 💌цитируетв прошлом году
I couldn’t hear him clearly, but I decided not to ask him to repeat himself, in case it had been something less romantic
em 💌цитируетв прошлом году
Jealousy seems to make me suffer in the most unexpected ways
em 💌цитируетв прошлом году
I must have had a good reason for wanting to kill myself, but I’ve forgotten what it was
;цитирует2 года назад
I could read the words out loud, but I could no longer understand them as parts of a coherent story with a plot to connect them. They were just characters on the manuscript page, and they evoked in me no feeling or atmosphere, no recognizable scene.