
Tessa Bailey

  • Kay🖤цитируетв прошлом году
    I’m going to feed you before I introduce you to God.
  • Лера Третьякцитирует2 года назад
    When I start to pull the dress over my head, he stops me. “Leave it. I’m going to make you come in that dress. Then I’m going to fucking burn it.”
  • Лера Третьякцитирует2 года назад
    “Sit up. I’m about to banish the word coffee from your vocabulary.”
    I prop myself against the pillow and take the offered cup. “Never going to happen. When I die, I want my ashes sprinkled over a Starbucks.”
  • Лера Третьякцитирует2 года назад
    “Let’s go home, then.”
    “Where’s home?” I ask, laying my head on his shoulder.
    “Wherever you are, girl.”
  • Анна Карпычевацитирует2 года назад
    Jesus, man. Just order a Coke.”
    “A soda won’t erase the memory of my wife in ice-pick heels and a miniskirt trotting off down the driveway.”
    “Christ. I knew this was woman-related.” Dominic eased back from the bar. “Look, I’ve got my own problems.”
    “Yeah, you do.” Travis leaned an elbow on the bar and faced Dominic. “Again, let me paint the scene for you. I’m standing in my kitchen, minding my own business. Georgie is in the bedroom and I’m getting ready to . . . you know, go see her there—”
    Stephen dragged his hands down his face. “That can’t be relevant to the story, you asshole.”
    “It is.” Travis seemed to be fighting back a smile. “I was carrying her a glass of wine to the bedroom—our bedroom, Stephen—when she comes out . . .” His skin paled and he seemed to be having a hard time swallowing. “She’s in this dress I’ve never seen. It’s pure white. White.” He got off the stool and turned, looking back at Dominic and Stephen over his shoulder, one hand indicating his ass. “I could see the shadow between her—”
    “Enough.” Stephen held out a stern finger. “Don’t say another word.”
    “I’ve never seen those shoes, either,” Travis muttered, sitting back down and burying his face in his hands. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
    Dominic split a look between his friends, a growing sense of doom starting to mount in his chest. “Okay, so both of your women are dressed up. Where are they going?”
    “Out,” Travis and Stephen stage-whispered, twin looks of horror on their faces. “Bethany showed up to both of our houses hanging out of the top of a limousine, drinking champagne straight from the bottle
  • Анна Карпычевацитирует2 года назад
    You’re going into the city, aren’t you?”
    Wes nodded about ten times and sighed. “Yeah.”
    “Hold on,” Stephen said. “Is this an option? How come no one said going to Manhattan was an option?”
    “I can’t just go chasing Georgie into the city and dragging her home,” Travis said, his expression incredulous. “You know how hypocritical that makes me? I partied for years before I found her and settled down. She’s never had a chance to cut loose. Besides.” Travis crossed his arms over his chest. “I trust her. She even gave me the address where they were going. Wrote it with little smiley-face o’s.”
    “I trust Rosie, too.” Dominic’s voice emerged in a scrape. “It’s men I don’t trust
  • Анна Карпычевацитирует2 года назад
    “I bet Stephen is beside himself right now,” Kristin breathed, her expression gleeful. “He about died when I told him his dinner was in the microwave. I blew out of the house like a turkey trying to escape Thanksgiving. His face. I’ll never forget it.”
    Georgie turned to Kristin. “Why do you like torturing our brother so much?” she asked. “Don’t get me wrong. I know he’s a natural target because everything gets under his skin. But you seem to take particular joy in inflicting misery.”
    “If there’s one thing that has been passed down between the women in my family—besides our recipe for sweet potato pie—it’s the knowledge that a man must be kept on his toes at all times. The second he gets comfortable, the magic fades.” She shifted around in her seat with a sniff. “I plan on being chased and placated until I’ve got both feet in the grave.”
    “How very uplifting.” Bethany golf-clapped. “I plan to enjoy watching that from the sidelines.”
    “Oh no you won’t,” Kristin shot back. “You’ll be getting chased yourself.”
    “By who?”
    Kristin worked her neck like a strutting pigeon. “You know who.”
    “Uh-oh,” Rosie muttered, fishing the bottle of vodka out of the ice and beginning to pour drinks for everyone. “At least let her get a buzz before bringing up Wes.”
    “Wes?” Bethany uncrossed her legs and doubled over, laughing loud enough to draw attention from the surrounding patrons. “You can’t be serious. You think Wes is going to chase me? If he tried, I would slap the ego out of him with both hands.”
    Georgie raised an eyebrow. “You’ve given this some thought.”
    “I’ve given him no thought. None whatsoever.”
    “Now, Bethany,” Kristin said slowly. “There were enough sparks shooting between the two of you the other night to start a fire. Don’t piddle on my leg and tell me it’s raining.”
    Bethany’s mouth fell open and then snapped shut. “Maybe that kind of antagonism between a man and woman is normal for you, Kristin, seeing as how you terrorize my brother for sport. But it’s not normal. Me and Wes actually dislike each other.”
    “Antagonism is fun. Makes him work harder between the sheets.” Kristin ignored the groans from everyone, throwing an elbow at Georgie. “You and Travis had your fair share of spats and it only made him work harder to earn your favor. Tell me I’m wrong.”
    Georgie’s drink remained suspended in the air for several beats. “Oh God, she’s right
  • Lyndonцитирует4 месяца назад
    “If I’m not doing that, I’m doing nothing. I’ve been doing nothing.” Rosie laid her ice-cold hands on the sides of her face. For the past week, she’d been feeling apprehensive, positive things were moving forward too easily with her and Dominic. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Was this why? “Oh my God.”
    “That’s enough of this,” Dominic ground out, putting an arm around her shoulders. “Stop upsetting her.”

    I want a Dominic so bad😔

  • Анна Карпычевацитирует2 года назад
    We haven’t skated in years.” She wobbled and righted herself. “How dare you look so good doing this.”
    With a snort, he caught Rosie around the waist and tucked her into his side. “I look good? Honey girl, I was just thanking God I’m the only man here.” He shook his head. “Christ, you’re the most beautiful woman on earth.”
    “Thank you,” she whispered, swallowing through a veritable heat flash. “Last time, my father was here watching us, remember?”
    “Remember?” he returned drily. “I was innocently trying to keep you upright and he thought I was copping a feel.”
    “Innocently.” She raised an eyebrow. “Sure.”
    He winked. “Come on, now. I was the perfect gentleman.”
    Rosie hummed, letting Dominic turn her in a circle on the ice. “My father called you Octopus Hands for a year.”
    Dominic’s head tipped back on a laugh. “He did, didn’t he?”
    “Yes. And it was well earned.” They skated in the direction of the water, and the sounds were so soothing. The breeze, blades on ice, her husband’s voice. “He was wary of you right up until the day of the snowstorm.”
    He shivered and squeezed her closer. “Don’t remind me.”
    She ignored his gruff request. “Sophomore year, wasn’t it? They dismissed school early because of the blizzard and I never made it home. The snow was too thick to see my hand in front of my face. I had to wait it out in the pharmacy, but the power lines were down so I couldn’t call anyone.” Rosie tugged him to a stop at the wall of the rink and cuddled into his warmth. “You searched for me for hours. Almost gave yourself hypothermia.”
    “Found you, though, didn’t I?” Dominic said quietly, cradling her cheeks and sinking toward her for a kiss. “I’d still be looking if I hadn’t. I’d look forever. You know that, don’t you?”
    “Yes.” She slid her hands into his coat and settled them on his stomach, fingertips tucking into his waistband. “You’ll always love and protect me. Through everything, I never lost faith in that. Not for a second.”
  • Rakshaцитирует3 месяца назад
    She didn’t even know which part of her was in command. Her head, her heart, her lady business. Or maybe they all were, three bitches hitting the switches of her control panel.
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