William Law

William Law (1686-1761) was born in England in 1686. He graduated from Cambridge University and became a fellow of Emmanuel College in 1711. His Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, in 1717, was the first distinct sign that he was an independent religious thinker. Several of Law's writings, including Practical Treatise on Christian Perfection, had an early influence on John and Charles Wesley. In 1740, Law settled in King's Cliffe, where he proceeded to carry out in everyday practice the ideas that he had set down in A Devout and Holy Life. These ideas included charity to the poor, practices of extreme generosity, kindness to animals, and attention to the smaller virtues. Many of his works caused readers to think seriously about Christianity and therefore to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. William Law died in 1761 at King's Cliffe.


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