She embraced the whole pottery thing with this wild enthusiasm, making one bowl after another, then (because they were easy) dozens of ashtrays, even though no one in the family smokes.
Wild enthusiasm danggg
Mwvee Lagahidцитирует9 дней назад
vases and ashtrays
Steven Celisцитирует6 месяцев назад
engrossed until the end
absorto hasta el final
Steven Celisцитирует6 месяцев назад
the very beginning.
el mismo comienzo.
Steven Celisцитирует6 месяцев назад
When Mam nervously
Steven Celisцитирует6 месяцев назад
When Mam nervously asked for the uniform for Sycamore Hill,
Steven Celisцитирует6 месяцев назад
for the uniform for Sycamore Hill, her eyebrows had shot up.