bookmate game

Hermann Hesse

  • Jezza Gearцитируетв прошлом году
    Much he learned from her red, smart mouth. Much he learned from her tender, supple hand. Him, who was, re­gard­ing love, still a boy and had a tend­ency to plunge blindly and in­sa­ti­ably into lust like into a bot­tom­less pit, him she taught, thor­oughly start­ing with the ba­sics, about that school of thought which teaches that pleas­ure can­not be taken without giv­ing pleas­ure, and that every ges­ture, every caress, every touch, every look, every spot of the body, how­ever small it was, had its secret, which would bring hap­pi­ness to those who know about it and un­leash it. She taught him that lov­ers must not part from one an­other after cel­eb­rat­ing love, without one ad­mir­ing the other, without be­ing just as de­feated as they have been vic­tori­ous, so that with none of them should start feel­ing fed up or bored and get that evil feel­ing of hav­ing ab­used or hav­ing been ab­used.
  • TABIцитирует3 месяца назад
  • Dhruv Sikriцитирует2 года назад
    For how long had he not heard this voice any more, for how long had he reached no height any more, how even and dull was the man­ner in which his path had passed through life, for many long years, without a high goal, without thirst, without el­ev­a­tion, con­tent with small lust­ful pleas­ures and yet never sat­is­fied!
  • Dhruv Sikriцитирует2 года назад
    Noth­ing was, noth­ing will be; everything is, everything has ex­ist­ence and is present.”
  • Dhruv Sikriцитирует2 года назад
    , was not all suf­fer­ing time, were not all forms of tor­ment­ing one­self and be­ing afraid time, was not everything hard, everything hos­tile in the world gone and over­come as soon as one had over­come time, as soon as time would have been put out of ex­ist­ence by one’s thoughts?
  • Dhruv Sikriцитирует2 года назад
    noth­ing but a read­i­ness of the soul, an abil­ity, a secret art, to think every mo­ment, while liv­ing his life, the thought of one­ness, to
  • Dhruv Sikriцитирует2 года назад
    e able to feel and in­hale the one­ness. Slowly this blos­somed in him, was shin­ing back at him from Vas­udeva’s old, child­like face: har­mony, know­ledge of the eternal per­fec­tion of the world, smil­ing, one­ness.
  • Dhruv Sikriцитирует2 года назад
    Know­ledge can be con­veyed, but not wis­dom. It can be found, it can be lived, it is pos­sible to be car­ried by it, mir­acles can be per­formed with it, but it can­not be ex­pressed in words and taught.
  • em 💌цитируетв прошлом году
    Joy leapt in his father’s heart for his son who was quick to learn, thirsty for know­ledge


  • em 💌цитируетв прошлом году
    But more than all the oth­ers he was loved by Govinda, his friend, the son of a Brah­min.


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