Layla Chase

The combination of years spent working with words in the secretarial field and a love of reading romances sparked Layla’s initial urge to write. Add to that the experience of reaching a landmark birthday, and you might say a mid-life crisis was born. Relocating from her native California to Texas in 2000 provided more time to focus on the craft. A direct challenge form a critique partner turned Layla’s writing toward the sensual side and she hasn’t looked back since. Writing erotic romance allows her to spread her creative wings and let her imagination take off.Multi-published in historical, paranormal and contemporary, Layla’s sexy stories are mixed with a bit of humor or a tug of emotion, but always have a happy ending.Layla lives in south Texas with her engineer husband and teenage daughter. Her other three children are scattered up and down California and having adventures of their own. When not writing or plotting her next story, she spends time reading, watching movies and traveling (so many possible locales for the next adventure).


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