Dr. Beatrice Chestnut discusses how using the Enneagram can help build an understanding yourself and the personality types of people you work with.
You'll Learn:
What is the Enneagram and how it aids in understanding people Why 9 is the Enneagram’s key number Key practices for developing emotional intelligence About Beatrice
Beatrice Chestnut, PhD MA is a licensed psychotherapist, coach, and business consultant based in San Francisco. She has a PhD in communication studies, and an MA in clinical psychology. She is the author of the books,
The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge, and
The 9 Types of Leadership: Mastering the Art of People in the 21st century Workplace and was President of the International Enneagram Association from 2006-2007. She offers trainings on the Enneagram internationally, focusing on using it as a tool for personal transformation.
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